Wagapi | A new way to store and share documents

Legal information

  • Company

    Wagapi is a service developed and sold by "SASU Wagapi", a company registered in Paris, France, under the reference RCS 529 034 977 (SIRET 52903497700015) with a capital stock of 20000€. The legal representative of this entity is its president, Mr Alexis Demassiet. Email : contact@wagapi.com

    The headquarter of "SASU Wagapi" is located 43 avenue de la Bourdonnais, 75007 Paris, France.

    The company's EU VAT number is : FR 61529034977

  • Publication

    Publication's director is Mr. Alexis Demassiet. Email : contact@wagapi.com

  • Website hosting

    Wagapi is hosting its website on its own equipments.

  • Copyright

    The content of this website (including but not limited to its structure, design, text, pictures, animations and logo) are the property of the "SASU Wagapi" company. Copying all or part of the website is not permitted without an express and written authorization from its president, Mr. Alexis Demassiet. Email : contact@wagapi.com

    Wagapi ™ is a protected brand from the "SASU Wagapi" company.

Wagapi ™ - Copyright 2010-2012