Leverage the cloud for smart and easy sharing !
To get access to the platform, sign up for a free account and get 2Gb of space, to develop your own apps or use existing apps.
Wagapi is a cloud storage platform hardcoded, hosted and operated by us. It features an api on top of which several applications can be built. It differs from other storage services by providing a powerful native tagging system instead of a traditional hierarchical storage system to characterize and retrieve data.
SimpleCloud is a simple web interface to upload, manage and share files hosted on the Wagapi cloud storage platform.
In order to access SimpleCloud, you need to have an account with Wagapi.
Take a look at SmartShare, a service built on top of Wagapi and designed for seamless integration within Outlook and better management of document flows through mailing systems.
SmartShare is available with dedicated plans and offers.
Premium plans will be available in the coming weeks to increase your space limitations.